Migrant Education, JPS School Improvement Specialist
Suzanne Ray Faught
2506 Southwest Square
Jonesboro, AR 72401870.933.5800
ext 12289
Migrant Education
Migrant Education is a national program that provides educational and support services to eligible migrant children. It grew out of the Title I program of Law 89-10, passed in 1965. The Education Program was established separately by an amendment in 1966 to provide additional services over and above Title I.
Migratory Child is a child younger than 22 and has not graduated from high school or does not hold a high school equivalency certificate and is a migrant agricultural worker or a migrant fisher, or has a parent, spouse, or guardian who is. The child must have moved within the preceding 36 months across school district lines with a parent or spouse in order to obtain or seek temporary or seasonal employment in qualifying agricultural work and it is the primary means of livelihood.
Services we can provide:
Family assistance and support.
Free school meals: All Migrant students are eligible for free school meals (Public Law 108-265).
Limited health services for students without health insurance: Vision/hearing screening, wellness check-ups, dental (for relief of pain), eye exam and glasses, doctor visits, and prescriptions.
Pre-school packets: Contain books and appropriate educational materials in English and Spanish.
PASS courses: Free tutor assisted correspondence courses for Migrant qualified students grade 9-12.
Migrant Student Advisory Council: (grades 9-12) This is a dropout prevention program. Students meet two or three times per year to learn and practice leadership skills. Career information is provided by cooperating agencies.
ELL Materials: Packets contain English/Spanish tapes, common phrases translations booklets, and bilingual flash cards.
Migrant Tutors: Supplementary tutoring is available to students achieving Priority one and two percentiles in Math, Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Each student is evaluated considering achievement scores, grades from previous years, request from parent, request from classroom teacher, ELL testing, and other criteria. Students with the greatest need will be served first.