HWES Parent Information


    HWES Handbook


    2024-2025 HWES Parent Information








    PATHS stands for Parents and Teachers Helping Students and is HWES’s parent-teacher group.

    There are no required dues or membership fees for our group. We have several methods of communication with our members:

    Facebook: We have a private Facebook group—join us by searching for HWES PATHS and requesting to join.

    E-mail: You can e-mail us at HWESPATHS@gmail.com with any questions.

    Remind: Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool. You can subscribe by text, email, or using the Remind app.

    All personal information is kept private. We will never see your phone number.

    Via text—send the message “@hwespa” to 81010

    Via e-mail—send an email to hweespa@mail.remind.com

    Via the Remind App—enter the class code “hwespa”


    E-mail: You can e-mail us at HWESPATHS@gmail.com with any questions.


    Annual Events:

    October - International Walk To School Day

    Fall Parent/ Teacher Conference Meal

    December - Santa Shop

    Spring Parent/Teacher Conference Meal

    Teacher Appreciation Week


    HWES PATHS Makes a Difference!

    Over the years, PATHS has purchased or contributed to several items to improve our school, including

    • Go Pro for PE Rotation
    • Mask clips for students
    • Headphones for students
    • Folding tables to use at the annual plant sale
    • Water bottles for students
    • Folding chairs and racks for events in the gym
    • Supplemental PE equipment
    • Curriculum and supplies for music rotation
    • Picnic tables for the playground
    • Balls and other equipment for recess
    • Furniture and decor for the teacher's lounge